Monday, March 8, 2010


I chose a number of different tools that I felt would have practical applications  in my classroom. I will discuss, An application which allows the teacher to use any Printable Downloadable File (PDF) and convert it to an interactive form that can also be signed electronically by the parent or guardian of the student. Taking the student out of the loop. For example permission slips for field trips and questionable content media presentations. Email this form to a parent or guardian in order to bypass the students. Taking away the dependability of the student, whom has taken no responsibility, in turn could jeopardize valuable class learning periods and lesson plans. I have find hard to believe, that some students do not want to go on field trips or see content related media which the student knows they will be assessed on. Some students would rather send the time, under their own control or what they anticipate will be their own control. The problem dose remain that not all parents or guardians have access to email, hard to believe but true in rural Vermont.

In addition this form application has the potential for creating all types of homework assignments where you could read the students answers to specific questions. You could use this site for many different applications within a classroom or school. I do believe that with the proper academic research using this form application for tests, quizzes, essay and short answer question could have direct academic implication for using computer based PDF documents.

Included in this Blog is a screen shot of the PDF application that might be used as a template for creating electronically signed PDF files.

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